Regulations on the International Youth Forum "Eurasia Global"
by the Order of the Federal
State Budgetary
Institution "Directorate for the Organization
and Holding of Youth Forums"
dated March 31, 2023 № 24/1
1. General provisions

1.1. This regulation defines the purpose, objectives, procedure, program, categories of participants and conditions of participation in the International Youth Forum "Eurasia Global" (hereinafter – the Forum).

1.2. The organizers of the Forum are:
– Federal Agency for Youth Affairs;
– Government of the Orenburg Region;
– Federal State Budgetary Institution "Directorate
for the Organization and Holding of Youth Forums".

1.3. The partners of the Forum are:
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;
– Government Commission on the Affairs of Compatriots Abroad.

1.4. The working languages of the Forum are Russian and English.

1.5. The English name of the Forum is "International Youth Forum "Eurasia Global" and is used on a par with the Russian name.

2. The purpose and objectives of the Forum.

2.1. The purpose of the Forum is to unite progressive youth from different countries of the world who share the values of equality, mutual respect of cultures, and the formation of concrete solutions to pressing challenges and problems.

2.2. Objectives of the Forum:

2.2.1. expansion of partnerships;

2.2.2. formation of an international community of opinion leaders with the participation of Russian and foreign youth;

2.2.3. promotion of the objective image of the Russian Federation in the international arena.

2.2.4. strengthening friendly and professional ties between young people Russia and foreign countries.

2.2.5. creating conditions for the exchange of the world's best practices, approaches and franchises in the field of youth policy and education.

3. Organizing Committee

3.1. Control and coordination of the implementation of all Forum events are carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Forum (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee), the composition of which is approved by the order of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

3.2. The Organizing Committee is created for the period of preparation and holding of the Forum in order to achieve the goal and solve the tasks of the Forum arising from it.

3.3. The Organizing Committee consists of two Co-Chairs, Deputies Co-Chairs and members of the Organizing Committee.

3.4. Organizing Committee:
– attracts experts to the organization and holding of Forum events;
– attracts partners and sponsors to the organization and holding
of events of the Forum;
– forms expert commissions and working groups for the selection of participants
and volunteers, conducting other preparatory events of the Forum.

3.5. Meetings of the Organizing Committee are convened, if necessary, to achieve the goals and objectives set for the Forum.

3.6. Decisions taken by the Organizing Committee within its competence are mandatory for the participants, volunteers, guests of the Forum, as well as all persons involved in the organizational and preparatory work of the Forum.

3.7. Meetings of the Organizing Committee are competent if at least 50 (fifty) percent of the total number of members of the Organizing Committee take part in them.

3.8. The decisions of the Organizing Committee are made with voting by a simple majority vote of the members of the Organizing Committee present at the meeting. In case of equality of the number of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee is decisive.

4. Time and place of the Forum

4.1. The Forum is held in the period from August 21 to 27, 2023 on the territory of the city of Orenburg.

5. Forum Program

5.1. The program of the Forum includes educational, cultural, exhibition, sports and children's blocks. Principles of program’s formation the Forum will be unique, relevant and understandable meanings, social significance, world-class trends and inclusion.

5.2. In order to implement the program, organize interactive consultations and workshops, it is planned to invite representatives of organizations, institutions and foundations working in the field of international youth cooperation.

6. Forum Participants

6.1. Participants of the Forum are citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign countries aged from 14 to 35 years at the time of the Forum, who have passed the competitive selection and confirmed their participation.

6.2. To participate in the Forum, each applicant must register in the federal state automated information system "Youth of Russia" ( 6.3. The applicant submits an application (via the user's personal account) for the event "International Youth Forum "Eurasia Global" by filling out the participant's questionnaire. By submitting an application to the Forum, the applicant agrees to the processing of his personal data.

6.4. The working group of the Organizing Committee of the Forum selects participants based on the applicant's personal data.

6.5. Following the results of the selection, the applicant receives an information letter to the personal email specified in the questionnaire of the Federal State Educational Institution "Youth of Russia" with the result of consideration of his application for participation. An information letter is sent to each applicant in case of both positive and negative decisions.

6.6. Confirmation of participation in the Forum as a participant is acceptance of the invitation by clicking on the "Accept" link in the information letter received by the applicant.

6.7. Transportation expenses of Russian and foreign participants from their place of residence in Orenburg and in the opposite direction are carried out at the expense of participants or sending organizations.

6.8. Russian participants arrive at the Forum (Orenburg) as part of delegations of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The formation and arrival of delegations are supervised by the responsible representative of the executive authority on the subject, implementing the state youth policy. In case of independent participation in the Forum, the participant must arrive in Orenburg on the opening day of the Forum, having previously informed the executive authority of the subject about his participation, implementing the state youth policy through the official website of the executive authority of the subject, as well as informing the Organizing Committee the Forum is held 10 calendar days before its start.

6.9. Participants of foreign states arrive at the Forum (Orenburg) as part of delegations of their countries. The formation and arrival of foreign delegations are supervised by the sending party. In case of independent participation in the Forum, the participant must arrive in Orenburg on the opening day of the Forum, informing the Organizing Committee of the Forum no later than 10 calendar days before the Forum.

6.10. If a participant violates the deadline for arrival at the Forum, the Organizing Committee has the right to prevent him from participating.

6.11. On the day of arrival at the Forum, all participants undergo a safety briefing, sign a written consent to comply with the Rules of staying at the Forum.

6.12. Each participant of the Forum must have personal belongings and documents (Appendix No. 1 to this Regulation).

6.13. Forum participants are divided by the Organizing Committee into groups. A volunteer is assigned to each group.

6.14. The total number of Forum participants is 900 people, including:
– 250 representatives of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
– 250 representatives of foreign states;
– 200 volunteers;
– 200 organizers, experts and honored guests.

7. Forum Volunteers

7.1. Assistance in holding the Forum is provided by volunteers of The Volunteer Block of the Forum (hereinafter referred to as the Volunteer Block).

7.2. In order to participate in the Volunteer Block of the Forum, each applicant must register in the unified information system in the field of volunteering development "DOBRO.RF" (hereinafter – the EIS "DOBRO.RF").

7.3. Forum volunteers are citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens who have reached 18 years old at the time of submitting the application and passed the competitive selection.

7.4. The period of work of the Volunteer Block of the Forum is approved by The Organizing Committee of the Forum.

7.5. The selection and approval of the Volunteer Block of the Forum are carried out the Working Group of the Forum Organizing Committee.

7.6. The applicant submits an application (via the user's personal account) for the event "Volunteer Corps of the International Youth Forum "Eurasia Global" by filling out a candidate questionnaire. By submitting an application to the Forum, the applicant agrees to the processing of his personal data.

7.7. The selection of applicants for the Volunteer Block is carried out in three stages:
passing a training course on the Dobro Platform.University
on the basics of event volunteering ( /) in order to provide correct information about volunteering and the specifics of volunteering;
consideration of questionnaires of candidates in the EIS "DOBRO.RF";
interview via Skype (
Following the results of the selection, the candidate receives an information letter with the result of consideration of his application for participation. An information letter is sent to each applicant in case of both positive and negative decisions.

7.8. Following the results of the selection, the applicant receives an information letter to the personal email specified in the questionnaire of the EIS "DOBRO.RF" with the result consideration of your application for participation. An information letter is sent to each applicant in case of both positive and negative decisions.

7.9. Confirmation of participation in the Forum as a volunteer is acceptance of the invitation by clicking on the "Accept" link in the information letter received by the candidate.

7.10. Based on the results of the selection, the head of the Volunteer Corps determines the functionality of volunteers in the Volunteer Corps.

7.11. On the day of arrival at the Forum, all volunteers undergo safety instruction, first aid instruction for victims and sign a written consent to comply with the Rules of Stay at the Forum.

7.12. The transportation costs of volunteers from their place of residence in Orenburg and in the opposite direction are carried out at the expense of sending organizations or volunteers are borne independently.

7.13. Forum volunteers who are citizens of foreign countries, they arrive in Russia (Orenburg) and back to their destination at their own expense or at the expense of the sending party.

7.14. The activities of the Volunteer Corps of the Forum are built in accordance with the norms of the organization of volunteer activities of the Event Volunteering Standard.

8. Accommodation and meals on the territory of the Forum

8.1. Participants, volunteers, experts, guests, organizers will be provided with accommodation in hotels in the city of Orenburg.

8.2. Participants, volunteers, experts, guests, organizers will be provided with three meals a day throughout their stay on the territory of the Forum.

9. Organizational and financial support of the Forum

9.1. Information about the events of the Forum, about the procedure for submitting and accepting applications for participation in the Forum is posted on the official website of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (, official resources of the federal state budgetary institution "Directorate for the Organization and Holding of Youth Forums" (, on the Government's website Orenburg region (, as well as on the official resources of the Forum partners.

9.2. In case of amendments to these Regulations, the Organizing Committee I am obliged to notify the participants and volunteers of the Forum.
your question:
Service for working with Russian participants
Service for working with foreign participants
Volunteer Corps